Friday, April 29, 2011


I haven't been the easiest person to be around these days. I've been grumpy, grouchy, crabby, irritable and stressed.  Studying for my PE certification, increasing my training, and the dreaded and feared TAKS testing at school were all contributing factors.  The weather has been less than cooperative, as I've had to battle the wind, ride the trainer when it's raining, or miss workouts all together.   Tuesday brought storms and tornado watches, so I missed my run and swim.  I've been trying to adjust the rest of my schedule this week to catch up.  Yesterday after my swim, I raced home to get in a ride before picking up the kids.  But when I went to air up my front tire, it deflated instead.  I couldn't reinflate it with either of the two pumps that were in the garage. Defeated, I broke down in tears. Then I took a shower, and picked up my kids.  Instead of spending an hour on the bike, I spent that hour playing with the kids and cooking their favorite meal, breakfast for dinner.  When my husband came home, he helped me change the tire and told me I had a faulty valve in the tube.  As he was giving my tire changing lesson, I realized that I would much rather have had a flat yesterday than two weeks later on race day.   Sometimes things don't go the way I want, but when I take a step back and look at the situation, it becomes clear that, on occasion, there is better plan outlined for me. God's showing me again, that it's not my plan that's the important one. It's his. My kids needed my extra attention yesterday, and I needed a break from training, and stressing.  And if I don't make up yesterday's ride. So be it. I'll let it go.   Without being grumpy.

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