Thursday, May 5, 2011


For the last few weeks I have been pretty fatigued. Exhausted at the of the day, I've tried going to bed earlier and still been bleary eyed in the morning.  Saturday and Sunday came and went, and I didn't make time for my workouts. My motivation was slipping. Monday I woke up with a sore throat and felt achy all over.  It got progressively worse, and by the end of the day I was sitting in the doctor's office getting a prescription for an antibiotic. I was in bed by 5 pm. I attempted to go to work the next morning, and felt so miserable I went home at lunch. And slept. And realized that getting sick was my body's way of telling me it needed a rest. I was training too hard, and my body couldn't keep up.
      I've been focused on training hard for my next race, because it's my first "A" race of the season.  It's in my hometown,so every run and bike ride have been on the race course, sometimes looping it twice. I've been pushing myself hard, hoping to see faster speeds. But I've been frustrated by what felt like lack of improvement.  I have overtrained myself.   Too much training, too much intensity and not enough rest. My immunity was weakend and I got sick. Which allowed me the rest I needed.  And so, a week before my race I have backed down my training. My workouts will be shorter and less intense. And hopefully I can give myself enough rest before race day to perform at my "A" level. And if not ? I have all season to train for another "A" race. Without Overtraining.

1 comment:

  1. you are becoming quite wise and more importantly self aware with regard to training and your limitations. I am really proud of you not only for the progress you've made in your race performance but for the growth you've made overall as a person.

    "Let us run with perserverance the race that is set before us. " Hebrews 12:1
