Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First day back

I ran a little over 5 miles this morning. It was my first run after taking a week of rest and vacation. While I enjoyed the rest, I was definitely ready to start my training again. My IT band on the left hip felt tight, and my right ankle also was a little sore this morning. What I'll remember is next time I take a rest week, I should still at least stretch. I enjoyed the run, and I'm still amazed at how quickly 5 miles goes these days. That used to be my long run distance and now it's my short run. Ran it at a comfortable pace which at times felt very easy, except when I was running up the monster hill to Champions. Enjoyed the new music I added to my itunes playlist. (Slobberbond, Clutch and 1100 Springs ) I know some runners don't run with music, but I really enjoy it when I train. I try to switch up the playlist and just add what i like to listen to. There are some songs I like because they help me stay motivated when I'm climbing a hill, and some that just make me feel happy when I hear them. I've seen different people post different playlists, and I've found that there is a wide variety of music out there that people listen to. Playlists are like running pace, everyone's is different and unique. I do enjoy finding new music to add, but usually the real gems come from my husband's music library. He likes a wide variety of music and much of it is off the beaten path. So I enjoy adding songs I know I won't hear 1,000 times on the radio and I don't listen to my running playlist any time except when I run. That keeps it fresh for me. Like a special extra treat I'm saving for my ears.

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