Tuesday, August 18, 2009

7 mile Tuesday.

Was a little harder to get up at 5:30 this morning, but this will be my later sleep time next week for short runs so I better get used to it. Good pace, need to work out my route a little better. I ran out of sidewalk on Lakeshore so I had to turn around sooner than I anticipated. I need to get some type shot blocks, jellybeans etc for energy replacement for Thursday's long run, and probably could use something reflective to wear when it's dark out. I'm not afraid of some scary attacker ( though wearing a red flashing light would make it easier for one to find me ), but would like to be visible to cars, even though I usually try to stay on the sidewalk. The thing I fear on the early morning run is wildlife. I've seen dead skunks, snakes and armadillos so I know they are around the greenbelts in the neighborhood. I certainly don't want to be the one that disturbs one of those creatures by sneaking up on it in the pre-dawn hours. The worst live animal I came accross was a frog that I stepped on. Apparently fairly lightly as it was able to hop away. This morning I was terrified when I heard rustling in the brush and then laughed at myself as it turned out to be a bunny both times. And no it's wasn't the scary bunny from the Monty Python movies. Speaking of laughter, I got caught not once, but twice by the same cyclist while I was playing air guitar, and air drums. He got a good laugh at me as he pedalled past both times. Now I'm the crazy lady with wild swinging arms who runs in the neighborhood. Oh well.
I enjoyed the run, kept a good pace and am looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. Thursday will be my longest run yet.

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