Saturday, August 29, 2009

Swim like a fish

Went to my usual Saturday morning swim class and as always enjoyed it. My calves were a little sore, so the stretching was great this morning. Did some new exercises today. Had to hang from the deck and do several crunches, which was challenging and I know I'll be feeling tomorrow. The best new one we did was in groups of 3. Two people hold each end of a noodle, and the third person sits on it while they swing her. It was good core work, and fun.
Hubby was accross the pool at his Masters class again today, and is heading to the lake for and open water swim. It's a nice Saturday morning activity to each go to our swim class and take the whole family to the Y. The kids love to go play in the childwatch, and I like the example it sets for them that Mom and Dad are both active. My 5 year usually asks if he can run with one of us, and seems interested in working towards entering a kids triathlon. ( I think 6 is the starting age).
I am definitely feeling the benefits of eating healthier, and eating a better ratio of carbs especially before my sorta long and long runs. This afternoon will be a good time to plan out this week's menu along with training days and times with hubby. Seems like once it's planned out it all fits together rather seemlessly, and any adjustments can be made as needed.
Still having some issues with the toe and footwear. It's still a little tender where the toenail once was. Wearing close-toed shoes to work puts pressure on it, and my comfy flip flops aren't really appropriate for work. So I'm on a hunt for "comfort" shoes. What I found so far leaves me less than thrilled. Basically there are 3 categories of "comfort" shoes. Manly, Hippie, and Frumpy. None of these fits my style. I had to wear some awful awful shoes from those catergories when I was pregnant and I vowed never again. I've looked at Born, Aerosoles, Clarks etc and haven't really found much that would go with my wardrobe. I'm not giving up hope, and until then I think I'll keep my Reefs in my classroom...

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