Monday, August 24, 2009

Weekend Roundup

81 miles run so far in August. Got rained out on Friday, and I just couldn't bear the idea of a treadmill run, so I took a much needed extra day of rest. However, I don't want to make a habit of skipping out on or modifying my workouts. There is a reason that training programs are set up the way they are. Higdon is an expert runner with years and years of marathon experience, and he's set up a program that is geared to offer success if it's followed correctly. I want to avoid injury, and be able to meet the goal I've set. I read carefully the guidelines for choosing and executing my training program and plan to stick to those guidelines as much as possible.

Saturday was a cross train day, and I chose my usual swim class which is always enjoyable. I was still a little sore from Thursday's long run and the stretching we did helped a great deal. Hubby had a triathlon on Sunday, and I feel almost like I got a little extra cross training in while toting the kids from spot to spot to be able to watch him in all the events. Today was the first day of school for me and my kindergartener, and so I chose to make Monday my first rest day of the week. I realized that I'm going to need a calendar and to sit down every week with the spouse to plan out training schedules, kids activities, social and church activities and menus. I definitely like to be organized, and planning things out weekly seems to make the most sense for us. Also, I'm really trying to get refocused on healthy eating habits this week as I start establishing routines for the family and myself with the new school year. If I could lean up a little by eating healthier I would probably run more efficiently. And for me it's much easier to incorporate the healthy eating as part of my daily routine.

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