Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Today was my first run of the two week taper prior to the half marathon. This just means I'm decreasing my weekly mileage and intensity so I can let my muscles rest and repair before the race. So today was a nice, easy 5 miles. As I have mentioned, I was less than enthusiastic after last weeks long run, and I was hoping today would help me rekindle my love. About midway through, on my favorite downhill stretch, I stretched my arms out wide as I ran and felt a cool breeze against my skin, and there it was. The joy had returned. I wasn't thinking about how many miles I had covered, or still had left. I didn't care what pace the Garmin told me I was running. There was no struggle, no pain, just peace. Just me going down the road, as I have many times before, and feeling that old comfortable happy feeling of having a really great run. I can't wait to get back out there and do it again tomorrow !

1 comment:

  1. I hope the sole searching mission to Luke's is a success. I hear the Nike Clown Shoe is quite fetching.
