Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Had some beautiful weather this morning for my 4 mile run. I was a little groggy getting up at 5 a.m. but I managed to get up and get going. Ran a flatter old route that I haven't run in awhile, at a swift for me pace. But I remember now why I abandoned the old flat route. I find it to be on the boring side. I missed the challenge of running uphill and the joy of the downhill glide. And it's just a little too tempted to zone out and not pay close attention to my task at hand. Especially on a short run. I chose flat for today because I was still a little sore from Sunday and wanted to give my muscles just a little more time to recover. Definitely need another nice Epson soak tonight.
My troublesome toe has flared up again, which means a visit to my favorite specialist, the podiatrist. I'm hesistant to go because I only have 4 weeks until the half and I don't want to have any down time between now and then. It actually doesn't hurt when I run, it's just during the rest of the day. But last time I tried to fight my way through it with the hope that it would heal on its own I ended up with a much bigger problem. Keeping my fingers crossed it's something small, with an easy fix.

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